Hi folk, I’m still very new to HA and recently setup a NUC with a SkyConnect and migrated all my Hue globes to Z2M. I was about to purchase an Eve Motion sensor and realise I’m not clear on if this setup works yet.
The Eve motion sensor is now Matter/Thread. Can I add a Thread device to HA without breaking my existing Zigbee setup? My understanding is that running the SkyConnect with multi-protocol support has issues. I have a Conbee 2 USB I can use so I am wondering if I should move all the Zigbee devices to this and then flash the SkyConnect to the thread firmware?
multipan is not recommended to be used with the skyconnect as its currently not in active development, you are best to use it in either mode stand alone and if you need to use both you are best to just get another stick or thread border router.
I suggest using the SkyConnect for only Thread and the Conbee for Zigbee.
Just have an extension cable in the radios and place them at least 50cm from each other and your HA server.
The HA server’s USB port chips can be noisy and disturb the RF signals.
The Zigbee and the Thread networks both use 2.4GHz, so they can also disturb each other.
Place the Zigbee, Thread and WiFi on different channels to avoid as much interference as possible.
You should be able to use the options in ZHA/Z2MQTT to change the co-ordinator else you may be best to just rebuild your zigbee mesh setup with the new stick you want to migrate over to if you can’t move things over.