Hi, I’m trying to connect some tado thermostats to my home assistant green.
I did following steps
- installed matter add on/ support
- selected “connect device”
- clicked on matter and scanned the devices QR-code
The device got into connection mode and an android “connect device” page plopped up.
After a few seconds, the error “border-thread router needed” was thrown.
I was connected to my home-router, where my home assistant green is connected to.
Can you please help me out?
Thanks in advance
A search suggests at least some Tado kit uses the Thread RF protocol:
The issue is here although HA can become a Thread Border Router, it needs a suitable radio device to actually speak Thread:
There are many devices that have Thread radios and can act as a Border Router, but the Green doesn’t have the hardware (the Yellow does though).
You need something like a Nest Hub, some Alexa devices, some Home Pod devices to link Ethernet and Thread. I would have suggested a Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1, but multi-protocol (Thread + Zigbee) support hit hardware issues, and worse, a manufacturing partner hit a bad batch of voltage regulators.
Your home router speaks Ethernet, not Thread (a Thread Border Router is not the same as an IP router).
If this helps, this post!
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