Thread skyconnect doesn't work

I buy an official dongle skyconnect make by home assistant. But I can t make thread integration. Is it me or is a scam?

As I understand I disable multiprotocole and ignore Zha.
I install Openthread border router to flash thread firmware only.

I check IPv6 on my routeur and ifconfig return inet6

enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fe80::xxx:ced:xxxx:c4f prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20
inet6 xxxx:e0a:149:ec00:xxxx:144c:xxxx:c54e prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0

I added mater beta, thread is sea on device with my skyconnect on border router.

I tried add eve motion with matter integration but it failed. It says no border router.

Why it see it in thread but says no border router.

Maybe I have some error in log of plugin border router but process run ok


OpenThread Border Router

[10:38:13] INFO: The otbr-web is disabled. s6-rc: info: service mdns: starting s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting s6-rc: info: service mdns successfully started s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting s6-rc: info: service banner: starting [10:38:14] INFO: Starting mDNS Responder… s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started Default: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) (Jan 29 2024 09:49:17) starting ----------------------------------------------------------- Add-on: OpenThread Border Router OpenThread Border Router add-on ----------------------------------------------------------- Add-on version: 2.4.5 You are running the latest version of this add-on. System: Home Assistant OS 11.4 (aarch64 / qemuarm-64) Home Assistant Core: 2024.1.6 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.12.1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Please, share the above information when looking for help or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat. ----------------------------------------------------------- s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher: starting [10:38:15] INFO: Checking /dev/ttyUSB0 identifying SkyConnect v1.0 from Nabu Casa. [10:38:15] INFO: Starting universal-silabs-flasher with /dev/ttyUSB0 2024-02-04 10:38:19.067 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flash INFO Extracted GBL metadata: NabuCasaMetadata(metadata_version=1, sdk_version=‘4.4.0’, ezsp_version=None, ot_rcp_version=‘SL-OPENTHREAD/’ (, cpc_version=None, fw_type=<FirmwareImageType.OT_RCP: ‘ot-rcp’>, baudrate=460800) 2024-02-04 10:38:19.068 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Probing ApplicationType.GECKO_BOOTLOADER at 115200 baud 2024-02-04 10:38:21.078 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Probing ApplicationType.SPINEL at 460800 baud 2024-02-04 10:38:22.196 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Detected ApplicationType.SPINEL, version ‘SL-OPENTHREAD/’ ( at 460800 baudrate (bootloader baudrate None) 2024-02-04 10:38:22.196 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flash INFO Firmware version ‘SL-OPENTHREAD/’ ( is flashed, not re-installing s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher successfully started s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent: starting [10:38:23] INFO: Setup OTBR firewall… [10:38:23] INFO: Starting otbr-agent… s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully started s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: starting s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure: starting [10:38:25] INFO: Successfully sent discovery information to Home Assistant. s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully started Done otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:01.756 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:01.757 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:ac7b:67b4:6fc1:1b7e failed (InvalidArgs) otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:01.757 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:01.757 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd4a:de07:7d66:1e65:8946:fd0c:6ead:5c92 failed (InvalidArgs) otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:01.757 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs otbr-agent[183]: 00:00:01.757 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd4a:de07:7d66:1e65:0:ff:fe00:2000 failed (InvalidArgs)

I have the same situation.
The existing tools work, but I can’t add new ones.

otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Running 0.3.0-13d583e-dirty
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread version: 1.3.0
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread interface: wpan0
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyUSB0?uart-baudrate=460800&uart-flow-control
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: trel://enp88s0
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-ILS-----: Infra link selected: enp88s0
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.048 [N] RoutingManager: BR ULA prefix: fd80:37c0:212f::/48 (loaded)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.048 [N] RoutingManager: Local on-link prefix: fdfe:7d5b:1720:f82f::/64
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.087 [N] Mle-----------: Role disabled -> detached
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.107 [N] Platform------: [netif] Changing interface state to up.
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.113 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:2877:8114:c46d:9ad5 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:b2ad:164b:9244:698d failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:0:ff:fe00:7000 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.114 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#6: No such process
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully started
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: starting
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure: starting
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:00.336 [W] Platform------: Daemon read: Connection reset by peer
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure successfully started
[14:43:42] INFO: Successfully sent discovery information to Home Assistant.
s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:27.105 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 7000 -> fffe
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:27.717 [N] Mle-----------: Attach attempt 1, AnyPartition reattaching with Active Dataset
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.217 [N] RouterTable---: Allocate router id 28
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.217 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 fffe -> 7000
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.220 [N] Mle-----------: Role detached -> leader
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.221 [N] Mle-----------: Partition ID 0x6da76b4d
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.250 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:0:ff:fe00:7000 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.250 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.251 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:0:ff:fe00:fc00 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.251 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: [NOTE]-BBA-----: BackboneAgent: Backbone Router becomes Primary!
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.422 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:0:ff:fe00:fc38 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.422 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.423 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:0:ff:fe00:fc10 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:34.423 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:36.465 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd80:37c0:212f:1:77b7:1d41:3eab:2959 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:36.466 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:44.565 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fda9:177:6995:9ad:0:ff:fe00:fc11 failed (InvalidArgs)
otbr-agent[177]: 00:00:44.565 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs


There is currently a know issue regarding Eve equipements.
On my tests, with a google nest pro wifi outer the eve devices are added without any struggle, but when using any other router it fails.

I don’t have updates following this dev.
I had also issues regarding the IPV6 not enabled on my network.

They tend to be very network restrictive if you have one device not supporting mDNS or multicast.

I have found a better way to add Eve devices without a smartphone through the HomeAssistant web UI by using this guide :

I have the same problem but with Aqara door sensor and eve door sensor

I am a beginner in using Home assistant.
I use Sky Connect on the cable to connect Eve threat sensors and z-wave sensors.
After restarting the system, the matter sensors and z-wave sensors work for several hours without a problem. After a few hours, the connection to these sensors is lost. Only system restart helps.
How do I find out what’s wrong?
Thanks for the help.

Salut Pierre

J’ai suivi la procédure pour ajouter via websocket mais pas mieux.

Test on postman and with F12 on chrome
I added a bluetooth doogle on my home assitant
I update the new mater server update today

“message_id”: “1”,
“command”: “set_thread_dataset”,
“args”: {
“dataset”: “0e080000000000010000000300000f35060**************************************”

"fabric_id": 2,
"compressed_fabric_id": 1331531****,
"schema_version": 7,
"min_supported_schema_version": 5,
"sdk_version": "2024.1.0",
"wifi_credentials_set": false,
"thread_credentials_set": true


After this commande thread_credentials_set": true

“message_id”: “2”,
“command”: “commission_with_code”,
“args”: {
“code”: “My code on eve sticker”

“message_id”: “2”,
“error_code”: 1,
“details”: “Commission with code failed for node 16.”

Logs on matter server
OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable maybe my problem

2024-02-11 17:07:07 core-matter-server FabricAdmin[126] WARNING Allocating new controller with CaIndex: 1, FabricId: 0x0000000000000002, NodeId: 0x000000000001B669, CatTags:
2024-02-11 17:07:07 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR Long dispatch time: 152 ms, for event type 2
2024-02-11 17:07:07 core-matter-server zeroconf[126] WARNING Error with socket 62 ((‘::1’, 5353, 0, 0))): [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/”, line 1200, in sendto
self._sock.sendto(data, addr)
OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
2024-02-11 17:10:29 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR Long dispatch time: 123 ms, for event type 2
2024-02-11 17:10:39 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:10:39 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:10:39 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:10:59 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Discovery timed out
2024-02-11 17:10:59 core-matter-server chip.ZCL[126] ERROR Secure Pairing Failed
2024-02-11 17:11:00 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2024-02-11 17:11:14 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:11:14 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:11:14 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:11:34 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Discovery timed out
2024-02-11 17:11:34 core-matter-server chip.ZCL[126] ERROR Secure Pairing Failed
2024-02-11 17:11:35 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2024-02-11 17:11:49 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:11:49 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:11:49 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:12:09 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Discovery timed out
2024-02-11 17:12:09 core-matter-server chip.ZCL[126] ERROR Secure Pairing Failed
2024-02-11 17:12:09 core-matter-server matter_server.server.client_handler[126] ERROR [281473585973840] Error handling message: CommandMessage(message_id=‘2’, command=‘commission_with_code’, args={‘code’: ‘11916035719’})
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/”, line 193, in _run_handler
result = await result
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/”, line 265, in commission_with_code
raise NodeCommissionFailed(
matter_server.common.errors.NodeCommissionFailed: Commission with code failed for node 16.
2024-02-11 17:12:10 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2024-02-11 17:21:27 core-matter-server zeroconf[126] WARNING Error with socket 52 ((‘fd9f:9afd:7d3f:8656:0:ff:fe00:fc10’, 5353, 0, 0))): [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/”, line 1200, in sendto
self._sock.sendto(data, addr)
OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
2024-02-11 17:30:51 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR Long dispatch time: 103 ms, for event type 2
2024-02-11 17:41:09 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR Long dispatch time: 132 ms, for event type 2
2024-02-11 17:41:09 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR Long dispatch time: 236 ms, for event type 2
2024-02-11 17:41:19 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:41:19 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:41:19 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:41:39 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Discovery timed out
2024-02-11 17:41:39 core-matter-server chip.ZCL[126] ERROR Secure Pairing Failed
2024-02-11 17:41:40 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2024-02-11 17:41:54 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:41:54 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:41:54 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:42:14 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Discovery timed out
2024-02-11 17:42:14 core-matter-server chip.ZCL[126] ERROR Secure Pairing Failed
2024-02-11 17:42:15 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2024-02-11 17:42:29 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:42:29 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:42:29 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:42:44 core-matter-server matter_server.server.client_handler[126] WARNING [281473585973840] Disconnected: Received invalid JSON: socket.addEventListener(“open”, (event) => {
console.log(“WebSocket is open”);
var message = {
“message_id”: “2”,
“command”: “commission_with_code”,
“args”: {
“code”: "11******
2024-02-11 17:42:49 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Discovery timed out
2024-02-11 17:42:49 core-matter-server chip.ZCL[126] ERROR Secure Pairing Failed
2024-02-11 17:42:49 core-matter-server matter_server.server.client_handler[126] ERROR [281473348477712] Error handling message: CommandMessage(message_id=‘2’, command=‘commission_with_code’, args={‘code’: ‘11916035719’})
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/”, line 193, in _run_handler
result = await result
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/”, line 265, in commission_with_code
raise NodeCommissionFailed(
matter_server.common.errors.NodeCommissionFailed: Commission with code failed for node 17.
2024-02-11 17:42:50 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2024-02-11 17:47:47 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2024-02-11 17:47:47 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:324
2024-02-11 17:47:47 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR BLE scan error: src/platform/Linux/bluez/ChipDeviceScanner.cpp:173: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout

The current version of the OTBR add-on is completely broken. I’ve started a similar thread a while ago, as well as this issue.

There hasn’t been any traction on that issue or a few similar ones I found. HA describes Thread as “work in progress”, but that may be a bit generous… The only functionality my Thread devices have right now is as expensive paperweights :cry:

1 Like

The current version of the OTBR add-on is completely broken

Turns out most of this was PEBKAC. I was able to get my setup working with these instructions. With 2.4.6 my thread devices have been stable so far.

1 Like

Finnaly I try with a raspberry 4. And it works. Maybe my Bluetooth key was not compatible.
My freebox VM is now off less noise.