Three identical Tasmota Switches, but only one can be toggled?

I have three identical Tasmota Plugs (Gosund SP111 with Tasmota 13.3.0) with identical configurations. I see all three in the Tasmota Integration Home Assistant (Core 2023.12.4). But:

Plug 1 has 1 more entity: the power toggle / switch => in total 20 entities
Plug 2 and 3 have only 19 entities

I need the power toggle entity also for plug 2 and 3. Any ideas why I see only one power toggle entity?

I assume the 3 devices all have different names.
Are there any hidden entities, is that where it’s hiding?

Yes, they have.
No, there are no hidden entities unfortunately.

Addition: As soon as I remove the Tasmota plug sockets 1 & 3, the toggle switch is displayed in the remaining socket 2.

So the problem is neither one of the socket configurations nor the hardware. The problem is more than one switchable socket in Tasmota?!

The problem was: three identical names. As soon I changed that I could toggle all three.

Too bad I didn’t think of that.