Threshold helper additional features

it would be great to have additional features to the Threshold helper sensor,
like an “Invert” state, where the sensor stays OFF until out of the set range,
or to have the upper and lower values set by existing sensors, in order to make it dynamic.

It can already be done with a template sensor.

yeah, I’m aware :slight_smile: but it’s a pain in the a to do it with a template.

That may be, but it is on en to much more flexibility.

I disagree, it leads to an additional thing to keep track of. Not in the spirit of semplification and user adoption. I’m fine with templates but I have to waste 1-2 hours every time to go through the syntax of it (because it’s awful) instead of having a simple option in the sensor.

I will never understand the reluctancy to improvement and the too far common dismissal of “just use a template”

Thank for your reply though.

It’s been 26 days since you created this request and you haven’t voted for it yet. Scroll up and click on the “Vote” button. You won’t get anywhere with no votes :wink:

Got it, thanks. Seemed lame to vote for my own feature request.

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No, every vote counts (lame or not) when it comes to gaining traction on FRs.

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please vote it too :smile:

In 5 years of using HA, I’ve never needed to use a threshold sensor, but sure, why not?

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