Instead of hard coded upper and lower values the threshold helper should allow use of other number helpers. This way the problem with not being able to properly edit threshold hard coded values also goes away and UI can easily be used for flexible threshold control.
+1 for me, as it would be quite useful in May 2024.
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+1 for me. I’d like the threshold to be changeable in lovelace.
My use case is an air purifier that gets switched on when the pm 2.5 exceed a certain threshold. I want this threshold to be set through Lovelace. I already have a number helper set up but cannot reference it in the threshold helper.
I’d be able to do it in YAML in configuration.yaml but I prefer having as many things set up through the UI as possible. Also, not every user might be comfortable with editing the configuration file.
The current input fields allow only numbers, this should be changed to allowing text (incl. Jinja to reference to the input helpers).