Tidy up scheduling

I have been using HA for a year or so now, but mainly just as a dashboard. Most of my automations are done in node red. I am currently working on my heating dashboard / control. I have 8 Zones (radiators with trv actuators) So 8 generic thermostats. Before i moved to HA they were all controlled by node red ramp thermostat, which runs a schedule where instead of switching the heating on and off at certain times, ramps the temperature up, and sets it back (down) at various times throughout the day. This really works well and is a much better energy efficient way of controlling the heating. With this setup I used node red dashboard which works OK, but not real pretty. This is the main reason I started using HA.
So i now have pretty dashboards, with all my thermostats on them.
At the moment they have an “OFF” and a On (flame icon) pretty standard ??? So i can switch them On, set adjust temperature manually, or Off. So to use the schedule I still run the ramp thermostat node in node red and have it set to output the target temperature every minute and send the event to HA, this works fine, but if i want to manually over ride this I have to stop it from updating the HA thermostat else your manual adjustment gets updated by the schedule. This is easily fixed by adding a switch to the thermostat dashboard (one for every stat’) that blocks the data (using a simple function in node red). But this messy on the dash board, having to have a switch under each thermostat !!!
Is it possible to add an icon/button on the generic / better thermostat card that could send an event, so instead of having just on and off i could have “off”,“on” or “schedule”
Also I think it is already possible to get the event data when the temperature is adjusted manually to switch out of schedule mode.