Tile Lock Card - Change icons?

Hello All,

I really like using standard/default cards when I can to keep things consistent (think DRY coding). I’m currently working on creating a dashboard for our home security features (cameras, door/locks, alarms, etc.). I’m using the default/standard tile card for a lock which has some nice features (automatically handles state and changes colors/icons). I was wondering how I can go and override the default icons for the different states since they are just a lock icon vs. a door Icon and I prefer the door icons. I’m betting I could use cardmod and an if statement on the specific card, but I will be doing this same thing for around 4 cards/doors and was wondering if there was a way to write the logic once and have it apply to all tile door/lock cards OR possibly pass an array of entities to the override to apply that too vs. writing the same yaml on each card?
