Has anyone else had issues with the Tile Device Tracker not updating the location at all? I have automations and set temperatures if my dog is home or not, but when I go to the Template page, and use
{{ states.device_tracker.tile_XXX.last_updated }}
it shows that it was last updated only when I restart home assistant.
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Like is it possible to reload the component if it doesn’t update? Or will this be fixed in a future update?
Did you try {{ states.device_tracker.tile_XXX.last_changed }}
Yeah, I mean, I can find out when it was last updated or changed, but it still doesn’t poll my Tile account until it reboots
Ah I got it! Have no idea, if its a component secific problem…sorry
I figured out the issue after noticing many of its attributes disappeared: I had to turn the “show_inactive” to “true”… I just changed “track” in “known_devices.yaml” to false on the inactive ones.