TileBoard authorsation failure

Just been trying to get TileBoard installed, started off with gettin plain old 404 problem. But after restarting whoel Ubunut now got a response from server.
But I get this response from my browser:

Only thing in config.js is the IP address of the server

Thanks in advance

I have jsut done some checking. I thoguht I updated to latest version (0.97.1) -

python3 -m pip install --upgrade homeassistant --user

I then restarted server and viewed on browser - version is 0.64.3!!
What am I doing wrong, why cant I upgrade this verison

I installed latest version of HA (using python virtualenv) in another directory and it works, basically i cant authorise on older version (0.64)
I now just need to find out how to stop / remove old version !!