TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

here is my tileboard so far. but i have some questions, i hope you can help me to solve them:

  1. my AC is not showing up buttons to control it as well as the temperature in the room (in homeassistant i can do it)

  2. how can i apply border-radius to the picture in media_center to match the other entities? also is it possible to apply a box 70-80% transparency that will overlay the media picture so the text will be visible?

Really nice yes!

As already stated, consider making a PR :slight_smile:.
Otherwise I can deal with a good explanation and the files :blush:

does anyone find that TTS doesn’t always get played on their device?
I have a tileboard fire TTS everytime I unset the alarm but it only seems to work half the time, can’t see any issues in the logs.

Updated to latest version after reading above but climate is still not showing hvac_modes , only shows set_preset_mode in TYPES.CLIMATE tile.

also life360 tile is behaving differently, hideEntityPicture: is set to false but with latest version the picture is gone, reverting back to previous all is fine.

anything I’m overseeing here.?

(using Daikin AC’s)

I updated to the latest TileBoard files and I am still having the climate.house tile not showing hvac_modes. Anything I’m missing?

I’ve been playing around with this for a couple of days and ended up being able to get pretty close to the “Clear Theme” from another thread. Pretty pleased with how it looks at the moment.

I have uploaded my custom.css and background image to github if anyone wants to use it.


like this look ! please share the code :pray:

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Same here, haven’t found a solution either

yeah same

i’m using the daikin skyzone custom component

But I FIXED IT !!!
and its working for me
this is what i did

had to change in /scripts/controllers/main.js

from set_preset_mode to set_hvac_mode
and preset_mode to hvac_mode

and in the index.html file
under the TYPE.CLIMATE
change the first two entity.attributes.preset_mode to just entity.state as mine doesnt have that attr or does it have any preset_modes
changed the operation_list to hvac_modes as per the changes
and the preset_modes to again hvac_modes cause thats what were listing

now i just have to work out how to put the fan mode on the same tile
and will be sweet


i fixed mine see above

Thanks, those instructions worked great for fixing my climate tile.

I can understand wanting to add the fan, however I use that function so seldom that it doesn’t bother me too much not having it.

Same here but it’s the Virgo in me that want a everything perfect !

Using Tileboard for the phone, it allows 7 icon pages to fit the width of the screen. When I add another page, ir creates another row. Is it possible to keep only one row, sliding left and right instead? Thanks.

Hi, can anyone help me please? I have a simple configuration of a Custom Tyle for power-on and power-off my Climate:

  • if I try to delete all “var” and “action” declaration, it doesn’t work;
  • I try to call service “climate.turn_on and climate.turn_off” from HA interface, and it works without any problem.

The tile doesn’t work, when I press it nothing happens.

Below the configuration:

position: [0, 0],
title: ‘AC Camera’,
id: ‘climate.ac_camera’,
icons: {
‘cool’: ‘mdi-snowflake’,
‘off’: ‘mdi-power-standby’,
action: function(item, entity) {
var action = ‘climate.turn_on’;
if(entity.state === ‘cool’) {
action = ‘climate.turn_off’;
type: ‘call_service’,
domain: ‘climate’,
service: action,
service_data: {
entity_id: climate.ac_camera

Can anyone help me please?

Is it possible to use TIleboard to switch on and off an Automation?

I’ve tried the type: TYPES.AUTOMATION, but it only triggers it, can the type: TYPES.SWITCH, switch be used here?

Yes, switch can be used for automations. I do.

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Thanks just added it in and it works great. :slight_smile:

The only other thing I’m missing now is some way of change in input_text using a Tileboard tile, but that’s probably beyond the scope of what Tileboard is intended to do.

Can you tell how it can be implemented for getting image from camera entity?
Now I have it like this (and it is not updating):
bg: '&camera.flowers.attributes.entity_picture'

How I can force it to update every x seconds?


Is it possible to set a custom (css) class to add css animation to spin the icon?
I’ve tried something like this:

.-spinning {

  animation-name: spin;
  animation-duration: 5000ms;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-timing-function: linear; 

@keyframes spin {
    from {
    to {

and providing configuration of the tile with:
classes: ["-spinning"],

got no success.
any thoughts?

How do I fix the words in big box here? its the state of a sensor so it changes based on what alarm i pick.
This is my alarm clock now and i would like the words big and in the middle.


               title: '',
               width: 2.65,
               height: 3,
               items: [
                     position: [0, 0],
                     width: 3,
					 height: 2,
                     type: TYPES.SCRIPT,
                     id: "script.alarmstop",
                     state: false, // disable state element
					 customStyles: {'fontSize': '25px'},
                     title: '&sensor.alarmset.state',
