TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Try adding the following to your custom.css, filling in the width that you want the summary column to be. The text should then wrap accordingly.

.weather-list--secondary {
  width: 100px;
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I created a custom.css file in my styles directory and entered in the text above. I then reloaded page. No change. I increased my height for my tile. No change. I rebooted HA. No change. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Thanks again.

Edit: I also increased the width to an insane amount (200px, then 300px) and still no change.

@OP: I want to say a big thanks for creating this project. It’s a great way to control my HA instance on my wall mounted Raspberry Pi tablet. :slight_smile:

I have a simple device tracker in HA for my phone that detects whether I’m home or away via nmap. In TileBoard, I have a DEVICE_TRACKER tile that says if my phone is “Home” or “Away”, that also shows the entity picture I set in HA.

My goal is to have the entity picture on my tile turn grey when I’m “away” and back to normal when I am “home”. Can this be done in TileBoard? Would it be something like changing the opacity when the state changes, or maybe use a different picture entirely? Right now, the entity picture stays the same regardless of my phone presence in HA.

Here is what I have for my tile:

       title: 'People',
       bg: 'images/hawaii.jpg',
       icon: 'mdi-account-multiple', // home icon
       groups: [
              title: 'People',
              items: [
                      position: [0, 0],
                      type: TYPES.DEVICE_TRACKER,
                      id: 'device_tracker.myphone',
                      states: {
                          home: "Home",
                          not_home: "Away",
                      bgSuffix: '@attributes.entity_picture',
          } // end groups
    }, // end people page


I was wondering if there was any chance that a RGB option might be on your agenda for lights?

I’m not a web dev so don’t know much CSS, but I think there is a ‘line-height’ CSS setting, you may be able to do something like

line-height: 50px;

just to see if it does something, then get the number of pixels you want after using the debug tools in your browser.

EDIT: Does anyone have a working Vacuum tile example? I’m trying to add one and I can see the status, but there are no controls to start/stop/pause/etc.


@Algorithm_Dude I use this:

       id: 'device_tracker.dan_presence',
       map: 'yandex',
       title: '',
       bgSuffix: '@attributes.entity_picture',
       slidesDelay: 2,
       zoomLevels: [ 9 ], 
       customStyles: function (item, entity) {
          if (entity.state !== 'Home') {
              return {
                  'opacity': 0.8,
                  'filter': 'grayscale()',
          } else {
              return {
                  'opacity': 1,
                  'filter': '',

I haven’t done a ton of CSS the last few years, so some of this is trial and error on my part, but let’s try making the property more specific:

.weather-list--secondary div {
  width: 100px;

There’s an open request on the GitHub repo for it. @resoai has indicated it’s not a priority for him, but anyone is free to code it and submit a PR. @lolorc indicated he was working on something upthread, but I’m not sure of the progress on it.

@Codec303 and @apop

Tried both. Still no luck. I have tried each individually and all together. Currently I have it like this with no change.

.weather-list--secondary {
  width: 100px;
.weather-list--secondary div {
  width: 100px;
.weather-list-secondary {
  line-height: 50px;

@tman75 you will also have to fix it so the text wraps, try adding this:

white-space: normal !important;

the !important might not be needed

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Thanks!!! that was the ticket. When I put !important in the file it yelled at me, so I left it out. It is wrapping and looking great.

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My header contains time and date on the left corner and rest of top screen is items. Items on header hight are not clickable.

my configuration worked perfectly on a tablet with 1200x800 resolution. on the new tablet with 1920x1080 resolution everything looks huge.

original: (1200*800)

new: (1920*800)

I tried to reduce tilesize:

the tiles become smaller, but their contents remain enormous.
furthermore the HOME key cannot be clicked

For those who wanted RGB support I have integrated hs_color with two sliders, one for the colour and one for the Saturation. Is anyone interested in the code?

Hello @resoai
I am trying to get this door entry working but nothing is happening, here is my post from yesterday

Thought I would share my work in progress. Redid the layout for my dashboard. It is very simple as I don’t have many devices as of yet. Main thing is so the kids and wife can use it. It is on an iPad Gen3. I know my “all off” shouldn’t be a switch. I am not sure what it should be. I want it to only function as an off for all switches and lights. I never want it to turn on everything.

What exactly isn’t “happening”?

You could have it as a script.

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There are different entity sizes you can apply, please have a look at readme and wiki on github.

There is no popup of the camera when i run the scrip