TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Where can I find a list of all the attributes relative to an item? Thanks

It is strange but seems that after latest TileBoard update my camera streams stopped working ;-(
in Lovelace: all good,
Thumbnail: all good,
when tile is set to TYPES.CAMERA: all is good but it s not a stream :slight_smile:
but when I set to TYPES.CAMERA_STREAM i see no stream at all, just black popup window.

I did tired to manually reverse changes presented here: https://github.com/resoai/TileBoard/pull/338/files .
… no success :frowning:

How can I debug where is the source of the problem ?
In the HA logs no errors at all (or at least I don’t see any)

My tile config:

      id: 'camera.front_lq',
      bgSize: 'cover',
      width: 1,
      state: false,
      fullscreen: {
         type: TYPES.CAMERA_STREAM,
         objFit: 'contain',
         id: 'camera.front_lq',
         bufferLength: 25 
      refresh: function () { return 3000 + Math.random() * 1000 }

My camera config in HA:

  - platform: generic
    name: front_lq
    stream_source: !secret camera_front_rtsp_lq
    still_image_url: !secret camera_front_pict
    username: !secret camera_front_username
    password: !secret camera_front_password
    verify_ssl: false

RTSP looks like this:

camera_front_rtsp_hq: rtsp://MyU:PASS@CAM_IP/ISAPI/Streaming/Channels/101
camera_front_rtsp_lq: rtsp://MyU:PASS@CAM_IP/ISAPI/Streaming/Channels/102

I did tried with both LQ and HQ … same result.

and this is my HikVision (DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3) stream config:



Your camera names don’t match. It’s front_lq in your HA config, but taras_lq in your tile.

that is ok … I have both (taras & front) :slight_smile: simply made a mistake and copied here wrong one , but both are defined exactly the same.

How did you do this? does the streaming work?

You can try the following:

  • Does the rtsp url work with vlc ?
  • Try to remove the bufferLength setting. 25 seconds is alot.
  • Make sure not to use both hq and lq streams (ie. main and substream) at the same time, from anywhere. Sometimes the HA stream component will access a stream in the background without you really noticing. The consumer grade Hikvisions don’t support two simultaneous streams. If you access one from somewhere, the camera firmware will block the other one. That’s also true with images. So if you get images from the lq substream and then try to get a hq rtsp on the main stream (or the other way round), it will fail. This can be somewhat random, I think there’s some kind of timeout in the HikVision firmware. The best way to do it is never have two streams referring to the same camera in your HA config. So only use the HQ main stream. If you need a low quality stream, use a proxy camera to scale it down.

yes, perfectly …same in main lovelence UI

no change :frowning:

Yes, I know about it and hq is just added to the HA and I do not display it anywhere → not in HA nor in TB.
Just in case :slight_smile: I double checked entire config and there is only one tile with TYPES.CAMERA_STREAM.

one more … I’m almost 100% sure that it stopped working after lasted TB update … looking at the changes in the code I see no connection :frowning: but might give you some ideas what can be wrong with my config.

Well, did you try to revert to the previous version then ? The last commit was by me, so let’s see if I introduced a bug :slightly_smiling_face:

Also check the JS console in your browser if anything weird comes up there.

It was not you :slight_smile: … tried to checkout back to previous commits and no change :frowning:
That means that source of my issue must be somewhere else. sic!

in a console I see this (looks like related to hls) but I do not know how to check details ?

one more error
Every time when I’m closing popup I got this in console:

The source map warnings can be ignored as far as I understand, they’re just for easier debugging of minified JS code. The exception is clearly related to video playback and I think it means that you’re trying to interrupt a video (by closing it) that hasn’t even started playing yet (the promise from Play() hasn’t yet been fulfilled). Why that is, I don’t know. I don’t have enough experience with web development to debug this. Maybe someone else can help.

Did you try a different browser ? Maybe a recent Chrome update broke something ?

yeep … FF, Opera, Chrome … same everywhere :frowning:

one more strange thing … or I do not understand how camera proxy works.
For test purpose I added camera proxy like this:

  - platform: proxy
    entity_id: camera.taras_lq
    max_stream_width: 1024

in lovelence steam refreshing image ~every 3-4 sec. … so no stream.
in TB thumbnail is generated correctly but when I’m trying to open stream I got message like this:


maybe there is something with my cameras ? :slight_smile:

Yeah, the HA camera proxy only supports image sequences or MJPEG streams, but no h264. The idea is to use it for a tile (less bandwidth, update only every few seconds) and use the fullres hq h264 stream in the fullscreen popup when the tile is pressed.

- platform: generic
    name: HikVision5
    stream_source: rtsp://user:[email protected]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/101
    username: user
    password: pass

  - platform: proxy
    entity_id: camera.hikvision5
    name: hikvision5_lowres
    max_image_width: 640
    max_stream_width: 640
    image_refresh_rate: 3.0

Then I use camera.hikvision5_lowres as the id on the camera tile and camera.hikvision5 as the id in the fullscreen section for CAMERA_STREAM.

Ideally one would take the two streams directly from the cam, without proxy. That actually works pretty well on some older DLink cams I have, who can source both streams at the same time. But well, Hikvision doesn’t do that. Then again, can’t complain about the awesome hardware you get from them at that price :wink:

Thanks. Yes, but what I found is it was too easy to accidentally touch the icon and open the door. I did this a few times in the middle of the night working on the design. After changing it to have an up and down arrow, it wasn’t as much of a problem and also more closely matched what Home Assistant looks like for the cover. I believe it helps those who would see the interface for the first time to understand it’s function and not wonder, if I touch this, will the door open or will it pop up a context menu or…

I am running HA 0.105.5 and I have autoban enabled, but have an issue with TileBoard in that it will sometimes autoban the tablet. I want it to never ban the tablet, no matter what, almost like a “safe” list of devices that can always connect.

In TileBoard, I do have an authToken defined in the configuration. When it’s not banned, it works completely fine.

I have autoban enabled in configuration.yaml as such:

  ip_ban_enabled: True
  login_attempts_threshold: 3

But I also have trusted networks configured, and according to the docs it shouldn’t autoban a device listed under trusted networks. But it does.

    - type: homeassistant
    - type: trusted_networks

Any ideas of what I may be missing?

can you make diffrent dashboard on diffrent devices ??

var TILES = {
        id: 'person.alexey',
        map: GOOGLE_MAP,
        zoomLevels: [11],
        slidesDelay: 3.4,


I can’t seem to determine the path for my png file when using TYPES.IMAGE … the png file is located in the images dir … any idea what i’m doing wrong as i’ve tried many different locations and none will display the qr code

{ position: [2, 2], type: TYPES.IMAGE, id: {}, url: ‘images/xxxxxx-guest-network-qrcode.png’