TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Solved adding trusted_networks to configuration.yaml

There’s probably something very obvious here, but what am I doing wrong?

I’m trying to get the State in the upper right hand corner of the tile to display the value of the noted sensor. Here’s my code:

                     position: [6, 3.5],
                     id: "climate.my_ecobee",
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     unit: 'C',
                     height: 3.5,
                     width: 3,
                     state: function (item, entity) {
                           return 'Current '
                           + '&sensor.kitchen_temperature.state'
                           + 'C';

I’d welcome any suggestions!

try to replace it with

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and this one you can replace with

+ this.states['sensor.kitchen_temperature'].attributes.unit_of_measurement ;

you can use the same measurement unit as sensor defined in attributes :slight_smile:

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Worked perfectly! Not sure how I missed that, but of course now looking back through the thread it’s glaringly obvious. I now have all my tablets showing the temp state for the sensor closest to them with a description to match. Thanks @CiechomPL !

Just wanted to say THANKS for TileBoard - very very cool to say the least, once you get your feet wet. Working on a dashboard of Philips Hue lights and ZWave sensors.

Will later add in more of an alarm system look+feel:

  • have an arm/disarm button
  • chirp sound if a sensor shows open when ‘armed’ so to speak
  • if it gets that far, do a wall-mounted old phone/pi/kindle/tablet for a permanent console
  • and whatever else leaps to mind…

Initial quickie screenshot attached.

Spoken too early. :frowning:
Trusted networks not solved the issue.
It worked some hours but I just tryed to use tileboard but HA banned the tablet ip for too many login attempts (6 for precision).

I don’t know what to do know.

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One more details: It seems that the issue starts when I access the cameras page.
Before they was configured as camera_thumbnail but I moved to camera because of deprecation message from 0.107

Each camera is setup as:

                 position: [0, 0],
                 width: 1.5,
                 height: 1.2,
                 state: false, // disable state element
                 type: TYPES.CAMERA,
                 id: 'camera.cam_01',
                 title: 'Camera 1',
                 bgSize: 'cover',
                 fullscreen: {
                    type: TYPES.CAMERA,
                    refresh: 1500,
                    bgSize: 'contain'
                 refresh: function() {
                    return 6000 + Math.random() * 1000;

I have the same problem as @valepe - after updating to 0.107 I was getting the camera_thumbnail deprecation message, and after changing from types.camera_thumbnail to types.camera all would be OK for a few minutes but then the dashboard ip would be banned after getting a websocket api_password error and all accesses from tileboard end up with a 403 error. I had independently tried trusted networks instead of a token, but that didn’t solve the issue. For now I have had to go back to 0.106 (with types.camera_thumbnail).

Exactly the same behavior.
For now I’m using HA dashboard instead of tileboard because I don’t want to downgrade

Have been looking everywhere but can’t find a clear documentation if a call-service can accept multiple values as parameter. I’m trying to call a modbus service and it supposed to get to parameters 1) register id to write to 2) value to write to the register
In current documentation example I see only one value being passed

Here is the info regarding the depreciated camera WS API:

I narrowed down the invalid-login-after-a-while issue a little more: it occurs whenever HA’s internal access_token changes while my camera is ‘idle’. This presumably does not happen for most Tileboard users because HA would normally be pulling a new camera image every 10 seconds. However I am using the ‘push’ camera in HA to take advantage of my security cams sending images to a local ftp server, which in turn updates HA through a curl command. This avoids polling the web cams and works well in Lovelace. However when the push camera is ‘idle’ (i.e. web cams are not detecting motion so not sending images), Tileboard does not ‘see’ access_token changes, resulting in an invalid login message on the next tile refresh. I worked around this problem by directly displaying the FTP images on a sensor tile instead (with the background image url updated via an HA sensor watching for FTP folder updates).

Like this image . Simply use width 0,5 etc

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So my understanding of using this dashboard is, all the configuration/setup are done in HA and i just need to load the url in my tablet using the browser?

Are you using a long-lived access token?

Under your HA profile at the bottom.

Thanks for highlighting the ‘other’ access token @khouse75 . Yes I do use the long-lived access token to login with Tileboard and all other tiles continue to update even after the camera refresh tiles start failing with invalid login (as long as ipban is disabled for debugging purposes). I was referring to the camera access_token attribute (also embedded in the entity_picture attribute) that you see in the camera’s state devtools panel and I noticed that when you see that camera attribute change, the Tileboard camera tile would disappear along with invalid login messages in the notification area. The symptom only appears when the camera is not regularly updated (as in my push camera situation). The camera_thumbnail does not have this problem but is being deprecated.

For me even TYPES.CAMERA_STREAM stopped working. No camera stream from rtsp but works nicely in LovelaceUI

Hello @resoai,

Is there an easy way to open a popup(div) in the middle of the screen for light entities, same concept as the alarm entity, but when long push is clicked?
Basically when long pressing each of the light entities, a div will open for the specific light being clicked so that i can control the dimming from there instead the current functionality.
Can you help ? :slight_smile:

Hello mate, i’m looking the same thing. Any idea so far how to show a pop up in the middle of the screen when a light is long pressed?