Tileboard problems

Hey Guys,

I want to create my first tileboard.

i faced the problem i want to show different logos depending on the status.
wenn the status is true the logo will be displayed but on false it not here where is my problem ?

                            position: [0, 2],
                            type: TYPES.SWITCH,
                            id: 'eigene.0.Heizungsstatus',
                            title: 'Heizung',
                            subtitle: ' ',
                            states: {
                                        true: "AN",
                                        false: "AUS"
                            icons: {
                            true: "mdi-radiator",
                            false: "mdi-radiator-off",

According the the documentation, you have to map on and off, so try:

  icons: {
    on: "mdi-radiator",
    off: "mdi-radiator-off",

Same for the states, by the way…

And, while we’re there, id is supposed to contain the HA entity ID, and your value does not look like one.

Yes I used true and false as the status is true and false…
I can control ist but the images don’t change