Tileboard setup - where is the code?

Although this may be a step too far for my current skills, I am giving TileBoard a go but have an understanding issue at the first level.

Used Supervisor to install the addon. I expected a folder called tileboard, as defined in the config, to be in my config folder. I cannot find any such folder under config on my raspberry pi. I did create one myself in a second attempt but it remained empty and unchanged.

The web ui opens at http://homeassistant.local:8123/hassio/ingress/abc67f79_tileboard.

The installation instructions suggest I should be able to use file editor/vs at this point but cannot as config is the root for these and I cannot find the related code. Please can someone educate me?

Update: I have put the example config.js in this folder and now started seeing the effects of making changes, such as transparency, size, etc. However, there are relative addresses for the background images, such as images/bg5.jpg. I want to use my own files for backgrounds and other images. As I cannot find any place on my raspberry HA where the examples have been written, I am struggling to use my own images. I guess there may be an absolute address method but I am a beginner at this. Please help.

Worked it out after some messing. As usual, was simpler than I thought, using url and ‘local’ folder, rather than the tileboard folder.

Hi, stain3565,

I have same issue with install tileboard using supervisor.
could you please share detail steps to solved it…?
I’m novoice with tileboard

I can access web ui at