TileBoard: Timer remaining not counting

Im struggling with a timer and time remaining. I’ve setup a timer to manual configure the irrigation duration. Beside the timer is working well the issue is optical.
After starting the irrigation the timer is not counting down. (In lovelace its working well)

Part of the js file

list: [{
                            title: 'Zone 1 gelopen op',
                            icon: 'mdi-flower-tulip',
                            value: '&switch.sproeier_1.last_changed'
	                        title: 'Zone 2 gelopen op',
                            icon: 'mdi-flower-tulip',
                            value: '&switch.sproeier_3.last_changed'
                        	title: 'Zone 3 gelopen op',
                            icon: 'mdi-flower-tulip',
                            value: '&switch.sproeier_6.last_changed'
                        	title: 'Timer',
                            icon: 'mdi-timer',
                            value: '&timer.irrigation.attributes.remaining'
                    ]// end items list

It looks like value: '&timer.irrigation.attributes.remaining' is not updating.
Screen of the page:

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Hi, I can’t help you, but I seem to be having the same issue, and I’m not using Tileboard. Maybe there’s a bug with the timer component. If I look at the entity in the states page, I can see the correct remaining time counting down on the middle right, but under remaining, it still says 1hr.

Hello Pod, thank you for contacting me directly. I didn’t noticed that one. Is looks like there is a third attribute. Duration, remaining and …

Yeah, there must be a third attribute but no idea how to access or display it

well its seems github has a lot of topics representing this issue but can’t find a topic which tell me how to fix it.


That’s bad that it still not fixed. If you look it in dev-states, you will also see remaining time stopped. It only goes to zero when the timer finishes.

Yup thats correct…


Did you find any solution for this ?

haven’t checked this issue for a while… will give it a new shot :slight_smile:

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Problem still there.

same here…

It seems that it is still not fixed… BTW @sro1705, how did you set a “selectable” duration?