Tileboard Weather forecast met.no

Hello. Thus anyone have code to a tile in Tileboard for weather forecast like in hass the met.no, other than Darksky. Thank you

My friend Jan Larsen was kind and give me the code for Weatherbit.

                     position: [0, 0],
                     width: 2,
                     type: TYPES.WEATHER_LIST,
                     id: {},
                     icons: {
                        't01d': 'tstorms',
                        't02d': 'tstorms',
                        't03d': 'tstorms',
                        't04d': 'tstorms',
                        't04d': 'tstorms',
                        't04d': 'tstorms',
                        'd01d': 'chancerain',
                        'd02d': 'chancerain',
                        'd03d': 'chancerain',
                        'r01d': 'rain',
                        'r02d': 'rain',
                        'r03d': 'rain',
                        'f01d': 'sleet',
                        'r04d': 'rain',
                        'r05d': 'rain',
                        'r06d': 'rain',
                        's01d': 'snow',
                        's02d': 'snow',
                        's03d': 'snow',
                        's05d': 'snow',
                        's05d': 'snow',
                        's01d': 'snow',
                        's02d': 'snow',
                        's06d': 'snow',
                        'a01d': 'fog',
                        'a02d': 'fog',
                        'a03d': 'fog',
                        'a04d': 'fog',
                        'a05d': 'fog',
                        'a06d': 'fog',
                        'c01d': 'clear',
                        'c02d': 'mostlysunny',
                        'c02d': 'mostlysunny',
                        'c03d': 'mostlycloudy',
                        'c04d': 'cloudy',
                     hideHeader: true,
                     list: [1,2,3,4].map(function (id) {
                        var forecast = "&sensor.weatherbit_forecast_day_" + id + ".attributes.templow - ";
                        forecast += "&sensor.weatherbit_forecast_day_" + id + ".attributes.temperature";
                        forecast += "&sensor.weatherbit_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement";
                        var wind = "&sensor.weatherbit_forecast_day_" + id + ".attributes.wind_speed";
                        wind += "&sensor.weatherbit_wind_speed.attributes.unit_of_measurement";
                        return {
                           date: function () {
                              var d = new Date(Date.now() + (id - 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
                              var dayNumber = d.getDay();
                              var dayName = "";
                                 case 0: dayName = "Søndag"
                                 case 1: dayName = "Mandag"
                                 case 2: dayName = "Tirsdag"
                                 case 3: dayName = "Onsdag"
                                 case 4: dayName = "Torsdag"
                                 case 5: dayName = "Fredag"
                                 case 6: dayName = "Lørdag"
                                 default: dayName = 'fejl'
                              return dayName;
                           icon: "&sensor.weatherbit_forecast_day_" + id + ".attributes.weather_icon",
                           primary: forecast,
                           secondary: wind

weatherbit is nice but…

what about met.no? the TO is right getting an implemented solution (such as met.no) running with forecast for the beloved Tileboard would be awesome!

I can also not get the forcast to work… but that might result of my bad javascript skills. But I would still appreciate any help into the right direction here…

Best goeste

@pmalvino found a solution…