Tileboard weather

I know this isn’t HA itself but maybe someone with a little javascript knowledge can help me.

I run Tileboard and there is a function to display weather on the right side:

right: [{
         type: HEADER_ITEMS.WEATHER,
         styles: {
            //margin: '-85px 540px 0'
         icon: '&weather.thuis.state',
         icons: {
      'sunny': 'sunny',
      'clear': 'clear',
      'cloudy': 'cloudy',
      'rain': 'rain',
      'sleet': 'sleet',
      'snow': 'snow',
      'wind': 'hazy',
      'fog': 'fog',
      'partlycloudy': 'partlycloudy'
      fields: {
      summary: function() { return this.parseFieldValue("Humidity: " + "&weather.thuis.attributes.humidity" + " % ") + this.parseFieldValue("Wind Speed: " + "&weather.thuis.attributes.wind_speed" + " m/s") },
      temperature: '&weather.thuis.attributes.temperature',
      temperatureUnit: '°C',

But I want the humidity and wind speed to also include the MDI icon. But I don’t know where to put the icon field to display this.

summary: function() { return this.parseFieldValue("Humidity: " + “&weather.thuis.attributes.humidity” + " % ") + this.parseFieldValue(“Wind Speed: " + “&weather.thuis.attributes.wind_speed” + " m/s”) },

So here I want the icons for Humidity and Wind Speed.

Maybe someone here can help me on my way :slight_smile: