Tiles changed text positioning/behavior after upgrading to 90.2


using the exact same Tiles setup, HA 90.2 changed from below display in 87.1:




as you can see it finally shows the line-through I had always missed in Mac Safari (was there in Google Chrome), so that’s a good thing. It however misplaces the text an icon to be aligned to the top of the tiles.

Would there be an explanation for this? I am still using the original Tiles.


      custom_ui_state_card: state-card-tiles
        columns: 4
        row_height: 70px
        color_on: '#F0C209'
        color_off: '#555B65'
        text_uppercase: false
        text_color_on: '#555B65'
        text_color_off: '#F0C209'
        text_size: 1em
        text_sec_size: 1em
        text_align: center
          - entity: switch.sw_netwerk_auditorium_template
            label_sec: Auditorium
            icon_template: >
              if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:wifi';
              return 'mdi:wifi';
            style_template: >
              if (state !== 'on') return 'text-decoration: line-through';

          - entity: switch.sw_audio_auditorium_template
            label_sec: Auditorium
            icon_template: >
              if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:music';
              return 'mdi:music-off';
            style_template: >
              if (state !== 'on') return 'text-decoration: line-through';
            more_info: switch.sw_audio_auditorium_template

          - entity: switch.sw_tv_auditorium_template
            label_sec: Auditorium
            icon_template: >
              if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:television';
              return 'mdi:television-off';
            style_template: >
              if (state !== 'on') return 'text-decoration: line-through';

          - entity: switch.subwoofer_outlet
            label_sec: Sub-woofer
            icon_template: >
              if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:speaker';
              return 'mdi:speaker-off';
            style_template: >
              if (state !== 'on') return 'text-decoration: line-through';

would there be a vertical alignment code I need to add in the config section? This is only with text oriented tiles, all my picture tiles show perfectly.

If I remember correctly the type of front end button changed recently. As this old custom component is no longer supported you may have to consider moving over to one of the new Lovelace versions.

You can reuse a lot of your config in the legacy custom tiles version.

Though the full featured version is much better:

HI yes thanks, I do that in Lovelace already. the update has caused issues there too… no more borders around the tiles…

my screens above are in regular HA though. so the lovelace-cards is of no use there.

And as I said you won’t get support for ithis version as the author has replaced it with the Lovelace versions. Last time I checked the repository for HA states front end was no longer there.

Then there is something else wrong with your setup (themes maybe?), as borders and correct alignment are still working for me, though I am not using the legacy Lovelace version, are you?

yes I am. Haven’t had the to explore the newer versions of this custom card yet. Might be forced to do so now…

the author has disappeared completely unfortunately… and has left many users in the dark. Well, has been nice for the time it worked fine.

You’re right. I didn’t realise they were by different authors.