Time automations triggering at random times

So I ha e noticed recently that all my automations, that happen based on a set time. Have stopped working correctly.

Example - lock door at 9pm automation. Triggers at 11:23:20 pm.

I have used template to check timezones and time. As far as I can tell it’s correct.

The windows machine is also matching what home assistant gives as a time.

I am running VMware → on windows.
Everything else is rock solid. Minus the zigbee channel usage.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Yes, it is almost always an issue with the VM software, often the NTP or paravirtualization settings.


Copy copy - never had issue when I was running virtual box. Changed to VMware due to other issues cropping up.

Thanks for the link.

So, I wanted to post an update.

I think I found the issue - the “host” is reporting the incorrect time zone.

windows reports correctly - home assistant reports correctly - but not the host.