Dear all,
I wonder if there is a built in function/filter I coud use to display intervals (received via MQTT as a decimal, like 1234.56) to a string, like 20 min 34.56 s.
Any pointers would be appreciated!
Well, I figured it. In case someone is interested, here it is:
{{ timedelta (seconds = states("sensor.custom_print_time_left") | int ) }}
Your solution gives a representation: if you’re happy with that, fine . For more precise control of formatting, like
you might need to get a bit more involved.:
{% set s = 1234.56 %}
{{ timedelta(seconds=s) }}
{{ [(s//3600)|int ~ ' hr' if s//3600 else '',
(s%3600//60)|int ~ ' min' if s%3600//60 else '',
(s%60)|round(2) ~ ' s' if s%60 else '']
|select('ne','')|join(' ') }}
Yes, thank you for your input!
I indeed just needed the representation, I wasn’t clear about it in my question.
I can see your algorithm - nothing fancy in it, I would have done the same. Just wanted to know if there is a built in way of doing it. Apparently not.
Thanks again for your quick reply!!!
{{ states('sensor.custom_print_time_left') | timestamp_custom('%-M min %-S sec', false) }}
If you foresee it can exceed an hour, use %-H hr %-M min %-S sec
Need to be aware of overflow limits though:
Yepp, that IS a limit for me. The one I found timedelta
works correctly for larger intervals as well.
How large are the “larger intervals”?
If it’s less than 24 hours, what I suggested will report the correct time (provided you include %H as mentioned).
It’s undeniably compact, as long as one accepts the reported data’s format because there’s no control over it.
Viktak’s first post appeared to request a desired format:
like 20 min 34.56 s
But it seems viktak dropped that requirement and has accepted whatever format is produced by timedelta
… then changed his mind and reinstated the need for the original format.
Ah yes, I didn’t even notice… Since it displays a 3D printer’s remaining time, I don’t really care about the decimals… With my suggestion now it reports the time remaining correctly:
Anyway, that’s why I like the forums, because even if I figure something out, there may be a better way of doing it. I never stop learning!
In case anyone else is looking for a concise way of displaying seconds as hours/minutes/seconds (and suppressing hours or minutes if they’re zero):
{{ states('sensor.custom_print_time_left') | int(0)
| timestamp_custom('%-H hr %-M min %-S sec', false)
| regex_replace('(^0 hr| 0 min)', '') | trim }}
The pattern within timestamp_custom
is easy to change if you need a different time format.
Reference: strftime
I had a sense of déja vu while writing this post and then found that I had suggested the same technique to someone else last month: