Time Pattern not triggering automation

Hi folks - newbie here, running Home Assistant OS on a Raspberry Pi 4

I’m trying to set up an automation that runs at 10 seconds past the hour and 10 seconds past the half hour. I’ve read the documentation and had a quick search here.

But my automation never triggers. Any ideas? Here’s the YAML for the trigger section. Could someone hit me with a clue-stick?

`alias: Check current power costs
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "30"
    seconds: "10"
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "0"
    seconds: "10"

Thanks for any help available!

No answers so I worked around it. Instead of using a Time Pattern (which people around here seem to dislike) to check my energy costs, I triggered the workflows on the energy cost becoming less than zero or more than zero.

Still not quite sure how to do =< zero

But that seems to be working

  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: "*"
    minutes: "30"
    seconds: "10"
  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: "*"
    minutes: "0"
    seconds: "10"

There’s nothing wrong with using Time Pattern triggers where they’re appropriate, but when you have access to events they are rarely the right tool for the job. Many new users tend to fall into using them because the idea of repeatedly polling a value is easy to understand, not because it’s actually appropriate for what they are trying to do.

in automation view:

in Yaml view:

You have to use * instead of 0. It mean’s that 14 min taking account at every hour.