Time pattern trigger for every 90 seconds

I am looking for a time pattern trigger, that fires every 75 seconds.

Any hints welcome - thanks!

Maybe this ?

    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/75"


I tried

    - platform: time_pattern
      seconds: "/75"

But seconds is maximum /60 allowed. So I am looking for a solution for seconds: “/75”

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  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: '/15'
condition: '{{ (now().hour * 3600 + now().minute * 60 + now().second) % 75 == 0 }}'

If you want every 90 seconds (like it says in the topic’s title), change '/15' to '/30' and change 75 to 90.

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Does this work ?

    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/1.25"

that’s smart - thanks!

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1.25 is not accepted by the UI. I don’t understand why wall clock time is used for a pattern. Is there a way to enter a duration?

It is doing numbers matching of the digits in the hour, minute, second. It is not doing math for this, rather pattern matching. That why neither ‘75’ nor ‘.25’ will work, those do not match any character pattern that would show in time format checked for this.