Time trigger not working after migration

I recently migrated from a RPI3 to a much faster NUC and am now running Homeassistant in Docker (something everyone should do :-))

Everything works fine, except the triggering of automations based on time. See an example below. I cannot figure out what is wrong, so any guidance would be much appreciated!

- id: hourly_kwh_total
  alias: Hourly KwH total
    platform: time
    minutes: 0
    seconds: 0
    service: mqtt.publish
      topic: homeassistant/hourlykwh/total
      payload_template: '{{ states.sensor.total_mean.attributes.mean }}'

what does it say in the log?

Is the time in HA correct?

@petro I do not get anythin in the log. If I look at the logbook for example I do not see this automation being run

@VDRainer if I look at other entities then their time appears to be correct (also when looking at logbook entries)

I don’t know exactly how docker changes things (I don’t use that), but typically this kind of problem (automations not triggering at the specified time) is caused by HA and the underlying environment (OS, whatever) not being set to the same timezone. Although, yours is a periodic trigger, so I don’t know if that might be an issue here. At least it’s worth checking.

If you manually trigger the automation does the action run correctly? Also, is the automation on? If so, it would indeed seem to be the trigger that’s the problem.

@pnbruckner that did the trick! After setting the OS on my NUC the automations started running again :slight_smile:
Thank you all for your help!