Timer got out sync opening Chrome Browser on Windows 10

Hassio 0.70.0,
Using DuckDNS and DNSmasq add-ons
Raspberry PI 3 B

Every time I start the Chrome Browser on Windows 10 and then open https://xxxxx.duckdns.org:8123
I get this in the log file:

Timer got out of sync. Resetting
4:49 PM core.py (ERROR)

I don’t specify the javascript version in configuration.yaml. (I get latest in chrome and es5 in iPhone)
Subsequent refreshes of the hassio URL don’t cause any errors. You need to restart Chrome.

I don’t see a spike in the processor_use from the system monitor.
Seems like a bug in determining the browser type.

Anyone else seeing this repeatable error?

I’ve seen that error from time to time (not very consistently), but I’ve never been able to directly associate it with a cause. FWIW, I’m not using hass.io.

100% repeatable using Chrome on Windows 10.
Using Mozilla Firefox does not trigger the “Timer got out of sync. Resetting” error but ,alas, the hassio panel is missing in HA 0.70.0