Timer remaining attribute not displaying correct value

I have a simple timer that starts at 30 minutes and counts down to zero. In the developer template, developer states, and in scripts I’m always getting a value of 30 (when the timer is running) for the following (and variations)

 {{state_attr('timer.frontdoor', 'remaining')}}

In lovelace, when I display timer.frontdoor I see the correct value counting down to zero. How can I get the remaining time and use it in scripts?

Apparently time remaining doesn’t work when the timer is active. Strange. In any case here’s what I did. I added a condition so my script only runs when the timer is active. Then when the script is called, it pauses the timer, gets/processes the time remaining, and then restarts the timer. Oh workarounds.

    - condition:
      condition: state
      entity_id: 'timer.frontdoor'
      state: 'active'
    - service: timer.pause
      entity_id: timer.frontdoor
    - service: tts.google_say
        entity_id: 'media_player.entryway_speaker'
        message: "{{state_attr('timer.frontdoor', 'remaining')}}"
    - service: timer.start
      entity_id: timer.frontdoor