Timestamp displayed as relative value i.e. in bignumber-card or picture_elements-card

How would I display a time stamp value as a relative value (5 minutes ago) instead of the absolute time stamp like it is done in the entities–card?

Preferred would be a solution just changing the display without creating a new template sensor.

You can’t without making a template sensor or using a Lovelace card that accepts templates. The unfortunate drawback to timestamp sensors is that the underlying relative time code isn’t built into all the cards yet.

@petro I was going to post this question but found this post… Do you know if this realtive timestamp for timestamp sensors is ‘planned’ or may exisit yet in current releases?


You have tagged a user who replied to a post three years ago. It would be better to start a new thread - without the tag.

Timestamp sensors have existed for a long time. Prior to this post even. The reason his sensor isn’t showing up as relative time is because his sensor isn’t listed as a device_class: timestamp

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