Tiny Snapshot File Size

Hi Guys,

I’ve just rebuilt my HassOS RPi 3B+ after a huge crash and I’ve noticed that snapshots either behave very differently on HassOS than ResinOS, or something is very wrong. On 0.76 & 0.77, my snapshots are tiny: like <800KB where as previously on my old pi running ResinOS, my snapshots are ~250MB.

Is this expected? Snapshot says it still contains the base system and all plugins etc but this just can’t be right.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



If you just rebuilt, it may be that the database will be tiny?

Anyway take a look inside the snapshot file and see what you find there.

Hey Nick,

Yeah that would make some sense, but should I not be expecting the image file for the OS to be within the snapshot for downgrading etc purposes?

Digging around the various nested .tar files tells me that yes, config files and seemingly everything else is present.

Just expected it to be a little bigger. All good it seems :slight_smile: Impressive.