Tips for upgrading to 0.31

If you haven’t seen it, read over the updates and breaking changes for .31
This update has a breaking change that’ll affect everyone.

After upgrading, the entity_id’s of your Zwave devices will change. Depending on your configuration, you may discover that HA’s front end won’t load for you. I found that the quickest way to update all of my zwave entity_ids was to:

  1. Stop HASS (if it isn’t stopped already)
  2. Comment out your groups, automations, scripts. If you’ve split your config, it’s just a matter of commenting out a few lines
  3. Start HASS and go to the “states” dev tab.
  4. Start scrolling down that list and look for entities that end with _X (X being any number)
  5. Open all of your configuration files into a text editor (Notepad++ worked great for me)
  6. For each entity_id that you find in step 4, do a global find-and-replace to update it. If you see an id like switch.garage_ceiling_switch_29_0 , that’s the new entity_id for what was previously switch.garage_ceiling_switch_29. The _0 was added.
    So in your configuration, replace switch.garage_ceiling_switch_29 with switch.garage_ceiling_switch_29_0.
  7. Repeat step 6 for each entity id, then restart HASS.

UPDATE: Also - be aware that the format of the services dev tab has changed. The services are still there, they’re just contained in drop-downs now instead of a long list.


except the people who have no zwave products like me :wink:

Just done this for 50 or 60 zwave devices and sensors, including updates to HADashboard and AppDaemon configs - a little annoying but not difficult. I used notepad++ too and it is by far the easiest way I have found to do this. Notepad++ also has a “Save All” option to save all the files when your changes are complete.

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wauw, 50 or 60 zwaves?
that quite a few.

i will add a few in the future where i cant use 433 mhz switches. till then everything is mysensors and 433 mhz.

Not that many actual devices but some sensors break out into 5 - 10 sensors for example.

can you give me an example from that so i can look into it?

Same here. My Monoprice motion sensors create several:

  • sensor.front_porch_motion_alarm_level_31_1
  • sensor.front_porch_motion_alarm_type_31_0
  • sensor.front_porch_motion_burglar_31_10
  • sensor.front_porch_motion_sourcenodeid_31_2
  • sensor.front_porch_motion_temperature_31_1
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I’m all updated - seemed to be ok after I updated all my files.

Thanks guys !

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I think we need a better and easier way to control our wave devices, ozwcp is a good start, but a better integration would be nice (like domoticz)