I am looking to use TuyaCloudcutter for these Lumary lights. However, I am noticing they are on firmware 1.5.21.
This post (New device - Lumary Recessed RGBCT Downlight v1.3.21 · tuya-cloudcutter/tuya-cloudcutter.github.io@224f79d · GitHub) lists firmware 1.3.21.
Currently, I have them connected to Home Assistant OS via Tuya Local and everything is updated to the latest software updates as of 25-May-2025.
I really need these to run completely locally as they disconnect many times a day with Local Tuya. I have a work around when a light gets disconnected/unavailable that it reloads the integration. However, reloading the Local Tuya integration requires Home Assistant to be restarted.
This then leads to other issues with on going automations.
I am really hoping I can use Tuya Cloudcutter to run these with ESPhome. These lights remain connected 100% of the time in the SmartLife app but routinely disconnect from HomeAssistant. Tuya Cloudcutter would remedy this.
Thank you in advance! I also have this posted on the Facebook community page as this is a big urgent issue I am trying to solve. If there is a better place to reach out please let me know!
Lights: Amazon.com