TM1637 - flashing

Hi there

I am struggling with maybe some simple request. I have a TM1637 display and want to show
state of a sensor, so far OK.
But the display shoudl flash (maybe 500ms) if the sensor value is below a certain level.
Thought I could manage this with turn_on/_off but this seems to be not working here. Then tried to
add some delays. No clue how to achieve this simple request, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks JJ

platform: tm1637
clk_pin: D6 # GPIO12
dio_pin: D5 # GPIO14
intensity: 0 # 0 bis 7
id: display_4seg
update_interval: 2s
lambda: |-
if (id(anzeige_power).state < id(grundlast_schwelle).state)
it.printf(“%.3f”,(id(anzeige_power).state) / 1000);