To create a URL to stream from Camera Proxy

Hi I’m trying to have the video stream from my vacuum cleaner into homekit. It can’t be done directly because HK manages only a certain type of stream (ffmpeg), without it, you just get the preview picture but no live stream. So it was suggested to me that I’d do the following:

vacuum’s camera entity → camera proxy → go2rtc or ffmpeg → homekit bridge → homekit

However, go2rtc and ffmpeg require a URL to turn the stream into something homekit can manage.

here’s Camera Proxy Camera Proxy - Home Assistant

If this is an actual FR, it is a duplicate of Use Long-Lived Token to Access Camera Feeds

unfortunately, this doesn’t help. I have the camera proxy set up but I’m not given any URL neither from the integration nor the link you provided. Would you know where I can find it?

Did you actually read the thread I mentioned?

The url is http://<my HA url>/api/camera_proxy_stream/<the camera entity_id>?token=..., but it’s not actually usable, as the token is not guessable.

I did read but got confused as to why would they speak of token and all and my brain skipped. Thanks for your patience.

the URL without “token=” gives me indeed a 403 Forbidden so at least, I’m knocking on the right door.

I’m checking it out.

Does this look correct you?

</s> <s> - platform: proxy</s> <s> url:</s> <s> method: POST</s> <s> headers:</s> <s> authorization: 'token create in user'</s> <s>

Camera proxy doesn’t use these attributes so I have to figure that out first as to how to put all that in the config file for a camera