To ESP8266 based doorbell owners - the delay

I have built an ESP8266 doorbell. Hass is listening in over MQTT, plays an mp3 on Sonos and sends my wife and myself a message over pushbullet - and all is good, it works (most of the time).

But there is a significant delay between the button being pressed and any of the events being triggered. And I think it’s an accumulation of shorter delays (looking at the home assistant dashboard, appreciate Sonos and pushbullet are further services).

I think the largest delay is the ESP8266, I appreciate this is a hass forum, but what I haven’t tried is wiring the switch directly to my pi - can I do this and have home assistant recognise it?

Has anyone any other tips to speed things up? The automation is triggered on a simple mqtt topic & payload


Just the usual things I would check in such a case:

  • Is the ESP asleep until the doorbell rings? Is it deep sleep?
  • Does the ESP only connect to WiFi/MQTT when the doorbell rings? Does the device have a static IP (configured on the device, not your router) to speed up the connection process? Are you using IPs or Hostnames to address your MQTT broker?
  • Do you have some blocking actions (e.g. delay) in your loop(s) that affect the device’s response time?