To Proxmox or not to Proxmox

Mariadb 10.5 LXC has been updated.

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@tteck just an FYI, MariaDB is working well now, thanks for updating the script and updating instructions.

Question about zigbee2mqtt - so i have HA installed from your script, mqtt and zigbee2mqtt from your scripts. How do I integrate these containers with HA? Ive been looking over Home Assistant | and under β€˜MQTT discovery’ section it says to add the following to configuration.yaml:

  discovery: true
  broker: [YOUR MQTT BROKER]  # Remove if you want to use builtin-in MQTT broker
  # birth_message and will_message is not required anymore for Home Assistant 0.113 >=
    topic: 'homeassistant/status'
    payload: 'online'
    topic: 'homeassistant/status'
    payload: 'offline'

I understand to remove birth section, however, for β€˜broker’ line do you have that pointing to your mqtt container? Is there still a buil in mqtt broker with HA container? Any chance you can share your config section relating to getting zigbee2mqtt working with HA?

Put nothing in the configuration.yaml
Just set it up in integrations. (configuration >> integrations) Hit the + in the bottom right and search for mqtt

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Does anyone here have Unifi Dream Machine Pro? Or some sort of Unifi device hosting dhcp/Unifi controller? If so, I’m looking for help. So HA is in the LXC an running ok. I have the Unifi integration installed and devices are showing fine. When phones disconnect from Wi-fi the device tracker changes to away. However when they reconnect the device tracker does not change status to home. I have seen on the integration page

Presence detection depends on accurate time configuration between Home Assistant and the UniFi controller.

If Home Assistant and the UniFi controller are running on separate machines or VMs ensure that all clocks are synchronized. Failing to have synchronized clocks will lead to Home Assistant failing to mark a device as home.

however there is no mention anywhere how to setup the time sync. I can’t find anything with a Google search either

@tteck just wondering let per se I used your script… meaning that each LCX will not be running docker right? It will run individual apps. Now my next question can we monitor each usage’s CPU, Memory, etc via HA?

Correct, each script installs bare metal versions.
The only script that runs Docker is Home Assistant Container.
As far as monitoring vitals, IDK

As far as I know you can’t do this with Proxmox and HA. You could run a small script on the individual LXCs that reads the data from the system and sends them to HA with MQTT.

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You could install snmp (on the host and / or each container) and then use the snmp integration to read the state.

Edit: the Load will be equal between the host and the container, as it is still the same CPU etc… The RAM however actually honors what has been assigned to the container. Maybe there’s also a MIB which yields the same (per container) CPU utilization you’re seeing in the Proxmox UI for a container. But I haven’t looked for that yet.

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Nginx Proxy Manager LXC enables you to easily forward to your Home Assistant / websites running at home or elsewhere, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt.

I just updated my proxmox from 6.4 to 7.0 and after a few bumps I was finally able to complete the upgrade. I originally had 2 containers running HA. One was my prod container that was running Whiskerz VM script with HassOS and that one started up and is running fine. However I also had a Dev container that was running Whiskerz LXC script with an unsupported Supervisor. This one I am unable to connect to. I did go in and update the .conf file to change cgroup to cgroup2 but after rebooting the container it still refuses to connect. Any thoughts on why I am unable to connect to the site?

Something a little different.

That’s exactly what I have done as well.

For the users that didn’t know about a dark theme for Proxmox


Very nice…

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New single line script to install Webmin on your Proxmox LXC’s for System Administration. Benefits include automatic daily security updates, backup and restore, file manager with editor, and preconfigured system monitoring with optional email alerts.


Awesome work @tteck , congratulations. I came to this post searching for something else and I ended on your repo. Now I have all the services running on LXCs and only the Haos remains on it’s VM. Thank you.
BTW, I saw two different scripts in your repo to create a HA container. What method do you recommend nowadays? The virtenv sounds good to me, but I can’t find a script or tutorial on how to set that up and migrate. Thanks again.

About the different scripts:
one creates a Docker HA Container
the other creates a Podman HA Container

IMO, Standalone container-based installation of Home Assistant Core is better because you don’t need to worry about Python versions

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So… Docker or Podman? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
(I was just creating a python container :laughing:)

Just wasting those last (geek) minutes of the year.
Happy new year to all folks!

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Screenshot 2021-12-31 1.42.10 PM
No Supervisor!

Just wondering on the pros and cons of Proxmox with multiple VMs vs one VM with HA OS? thanks