Today's max temperature - accuweather?

I’m using weather.accuweather but I can’t figure out how to get the forecast max temperature for the current day. In the picture below, it would be 89°F. The max temps don’t show up in developer tools. Any suggestions?

My goal is to use the max temp to determine whether I’d like the skylight shades to close.

I could also use the NWS but have the same problem figuring out how to get the max temp with that too.

To access forecast attributes that the weather integration does not provide an entity for, you must use a Trigger-based Template sensor which incorporates the weather.get_forecasts action. There is an example in the Weather integration’s documents.

If you need further examples, searching the forum for “weather.get_forecasts max” will bring up more than 20 posts.

Hi schmuttis,
There’s a sensor for that I think…

There is a variety of them for min, max, and in the sun and in the shade.
Don;'t need to screw with forecast if they give you a sensor.

Thanks @Sir_Goodenough but the “RealFeel” is usually different than the predicted high unfortunately. Looks like I have to dig into @Didgeridrew 's suggestion.

It should be close enough to estimate when to close the shades or whatever. It’s not a recipe for distilling vodka or something.

We have to contend with a good bit of humidity in our area in the summer which really skews the realfeel. For instance the realfeel max for today was 96.8 when the predicted max temp was only 89. At either of those temps, I would like to close the shades but on cooler days the difference might not give me the results that I would like. I do appreciate that you took the time to reply.

For the NWS, max temperature is always provided with a daytime forecast (i.e. between 6 AM and 6 PM). Here’s a template sensor that extracts the latest daytime high:

    - sensor:
      - name: kxxx_daytime_high
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        state: >
          {% if (state_attr('sensor.daily_forecast', 'forecast')[0].is_daytime) == true %}
          {{ state_attr('sensor.daily_forecast', 'forecast')[0].temperature }}
          {% else -%}
          {{ state_attr('sensor.daily_forecast', 'forecast')[1].temperature }}
          {% endif -%}

During nighttime, the max temperature is for the following day.

Replace kxxx with your local weather station ID.

Thanks everyone. I did get both Accuweather and the NWS max temps working today. Thank you all for your input.

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