Todo list notification template

I’m having a bit of trouble sending a notification using a template from multiple todo list entities. I’ve got the following so far but it only adds item from the first list defined. I’ve scoured everywhere I can think of and tried lots of different variations but still can’t get it to work! Any pointers?

alias: File Daily Summary
description: ""
  - trigger: time
    at: "05:30:00"
conditions: []
  - variables:
        - todo.tasks
        - todo.weekly_reminders
        - todo.aquarium
      notify_entity: notify.file
    enabled: true
  - action: todo.get_items
      status: needs_action
      entity_id: "{{ task_entities }}"
    response_variable: tasks_today
  - action: notify.send_message
      message: |-
        {{ "Tasks due:" }}
        {%- set ns = namespace(tasks=[]) %}
        {%- set ns.tasks = tasks_today.values()| list %}
        {%- for task in ns.tasks[0]['items'] -%}
        {%- set due = task['due']| as_datetime | as_local %}
          {%- if due <= today_at("23:59") %}
          - {{ task['summary']}}
          {%- endif -%}
        {%- endfor -%}
      entity_id: "{{ notify_entity }}"
mode: single

I’m looking to end up with the following:

Tasks due:
  - task1 from list1
  - task2 from list1
  - task1 from list2

Thanks in advance!
EDIT: The due section of the message is because one of the todo lists has weekly recurring items, and i only want to show items due that day or overdue!