Toggle 2 switches for tv lift

Been trying to find something for my tv lift to go up and down but searched and searched and can’t find. If there is an automation that exists please point it out for me or help me create one.
I have a tv lift with an RF remote and a separate rocker switch from right to center to left to bring tv up or down.
would like to control through home assistant.
Purchased the broadlink RM4 pro. read the RF code and works through it’s app. installed integration in HA and noticed that the remote wasn’t there so read up and saw some videos and even Dr. DrZzs
seemed to have a lot of trouble learning the codes so probably will return broadlink and try second option, the rocker switch.

I have a one of these

what I will do is install a relay at the end of both channels so I get no current but just a contact. Unless you have better idea :slight_smile:

Where I need help is to find automation to avoid both channels to go on at same time.
Basically if I press in Ha button A then Button B needs to be off and vice versa if I press B then A needs to be off. Basically a toggle between A and B. Also with a timer that after 60 seconds both channels are off.


The RM Mini does work pretty well, I used it in my home and haven’t had any issues - but I do know that some folks have had some with the Mini 4.

One thing you mentioned is the A and B situation. Are you wanting that to prevent both drawing current at the same time? If so I would recommend a hardware relay to prevent any possible electrical fire, relaying on open source software could be disastrous in that regard.

If not then you could have two toggles that just simply cancel each other out. I have a similar set up for two switches I set up for turning on/off sleep mode and nap mode, one cancels the other out. It’s just a matter of adding the actions to turn off the opposite device before you turn on the device being called. For example, this switch does that:

  friendly_name: "Toggle 1"
  value_template: "{{states('input_boolean.toggle_1_on')}}"
    - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: variable.toggle_2


  friendly_name: "Toggle 2"
  value_template: "{{states('input_boolean.toggle_2_on')}}"
    - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: variable.toggle_1


yes as I don’t want to send signal on up and down at same time. I just want to switch to A or B.
I will try to add your automation to my automation yamyl with the names of my switches and see how it goes

Hi sorry to bother not sure how to input this. What goes in my config file what goes in my configuration file.
Did many automatons but never used templates input_boolean
Also will be using this with my sony tv which has entities in HA so what I want it to do is when tv turned on. activate Switch.up_tv turn off Switch.down_tv
When turn off tv activate Switch.down_tv turn off Switch.up_tv

My 2 switches I will use will be called
Switch. down_tv

my tv entities
platform: state
entity_id: media_player.sony_tv
to: on
platform: state
entity_id: media_player.sony_tv
to: off

thanks :slight_smile:

I am posting what I used in case anyone else has the same project
I purchased this from amazon

It does all I needed. In different mode it can turn off switch A if B is activated and vice versa
you can put activate a timer so either A or B is activated for time desired in my case I put to 30 seconds so switch if inactive after tv is up or down.
No current is applied to switch

All that was left to do is create automatons with HA to activate switch A when tv is on and activate switch B when tv if off

Hope it can help someone else