Toggle alarm on and off

Hi there I am trying to get a button on floorplan created on a picture element card to turn off the house alarm should it be on.
When I try i get the error that the alarm_control_panel / turn_off doesnt exist
My alarm has three states armed_away armed_home and disarmed

Im quite new to this so maybe im just looking in the wrong place but heres what I have and when armed it shows armed so thats good but how do i turn it off please?

- entity: alarm_control_panel.manchester_alarm
    image: /local/lovelace/icon/Icon_alarm_off.png
      armed: /local/lovelace/icon/Icon_alarm_on.png
      left: 3.7%
      top: 32.2%
      width: 5%
     action: toggle
      action: more-info
    type: image

You can use conditional cards to only display one button at the time.


When alarm is armed or armed home:
You display a button that runs a script to disarm.

When alarm is disarmed you display a button to arm (away?).


Thanks for the reply, I already have it showing if its armed or not its the action of disarming or arming that I cant get my head around.
simply using toggle doesnt work as the alarm service doesnt accept turn_off or at least thats my understanding.
As I say im new to this so maybe im just misunderstanding

You need to create scripts to set the arm/disarm the alarm since you need code.

Something like:

alias: Alarm arm away
icon: 'mdi:lock-open-variant-outline'
mode: single
  - data:
      code: '1234'
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm

Thank you again really appreciate it.

I managed to do this by setting an input boolean and triggering a flow in node red as most of my automations are in node red it made sense to use existing flows I have set up for alarm control.

edit in the end I decided I would just change the tap action to more-info then it pops up the box to disarm or arm anyway