Toggle entities from a scene by reading the entity list from the scene


I need help with a script to toggle entities within a scene
I can read the entity with this command from the scene:

{{state_attr("scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein", "entity_id")[3]}}
The output is: the name of the entity (e.g. switch.ikea_weihnachtsbaum)

But I get an error, if I try to toggle the entity:

service: switch.toggle
data: {}
  entity_id: {{state_attr("scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein", "entity_id")[3]}}

can someone help to toggle/switch on/off an entity from the arry above?

Single line templates need to be enclosed in quotes.

service: switch.toggle
data: {}
  entity_id: '{{ state_attr("scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein", "entity_id")[3] }}'

Rule 1:

thanks, I found it myselve, but is it also possible to loop this for all entities with in the array?


service: switch.toggle
data: {}
  '{% for entity in state_attr("scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein", "entity_id") %}'
    entity_id: '{{ (entity) }}'
  '{% endfor %}'

seems to that there is also something wrong with it, I found no solution

repeat for each

  - repeat:
      for_each: "{{ state_attr('scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein', 'entity_id') }}"
        - service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: "{{ repeat.item }}"

cool! many thanks for it! This happens if you only think in one direction


You’re welcome!

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…I will do this directley, but let me ask one last question:

{% set total=0 %}
  {% for entity in state_attr("scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein", "entity_id") %}
  {% if states(entity)=="on" %}
  {% set total = total + 1 %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

I am using this code in a makrdown card and the issue is, that the variable “total” is not calculated. Seems to be that it is only locally available within the “for-loop”. How can this be solved?
Thanks and have a nice day!

ok, I have it:

{% set total = namespace(value=0) %}
  {% for entity in state_attr("scene.weihnachtsbeleuchtung_innen_ein", "entity_id") %}
  {% if states(entity)=="on" %}
  {% set total.value = total.value + 1 %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}