Hello everyone,
I am currently using the Synology DSM integration with Home Assistant, which allows me to toggle the “Home Mode” of Surveillance Station using a switch in Home Assistant. This works perfectly for my needs.
However, I would like to request an additional feature. It would be great if we could also toggle the “Home Mode Schedule” in the same way, via a switch in Home Assistant.
In my daily routine, Home Mode activates and deactivates based on the schedule I’ve set. However, when I go away for a weekend or vacation, I need to disable the scheduled mode so that Home Mode stays off for a certain number of days and doesn’t follow the schedule.
Adding a button to enable/disable the scheduled mode in Home Assistant would be very helpful. In Surveillance Station, this feature is referred to as “Schedule Switching”.
According to the API documentation (https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/Software/DeveloperGuide/Package/SurveillanceStation/All/enu/Surveillance_Station_Web_API.pdf), there is a boolean parameter:
Is the home mode schedule switching enabled.
This is the value that needs to be managed from Home Assistant. The URL for the API call would look like this:
GET /webapi/entry.cgi?
Could this feature be added to the Synology DSM integration? It would greatly enhance the functionality and flexibility of managing Home Mode in Home Assistant.
Thank you!