Toggle Hue lights with parameters

On the Developer tools Service page it says, when I select ‘light.toggle’, that all ‘light.turn_on’ parameters can be used.
I can’t seem to get them to work. I can see a thread suggesting that the issue was reported two years ago, did it get resolved.?
Do I need to use the suggested, back in 2017, workaround or is the documentation correct and I have a problem?

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I have the same issue. light.toggle does not seem to work with all parameters.
brightness_pct does NOT work
brightness does work
effect does NOT work
color_temp does work

These are just the ones I have tested so far.

I wrote a script I use to toggle my lights back to white and bright when they come on. Is this any help?

# The example below toggles the light (group/room/light) on and off but always ensures the light is reset to bright and white
#  action:
#    service: script.light_toggle
#    data:
#      entity: light.lounge

    alias: toggle light to white
    - service_template: >
        script.light_toggle_{{ 'on' if is_state(entity, 'off') else 'off' }}
        entity: '{{ entity }}'
    alias: light_on
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: '{{ entity }}'
        color_name: white
        brightness: 255
    alias: light_off
    - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: '{{ entity }}'

After all that effort - they fixed the issue in the latest release 0.101.0 !!
