Toggle to control all cover entities

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create the below just for covers but I fail. For switches the „show header toggle“ works fine but I can not get it to work for covers.

Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?


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Why don’t you create a cover group (Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers) and then add all your covers there, so you will have a new entity (cover) which will represent all of them?

Works great thanks. Haven’t used the helpers a lot before. This will change now

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It’s good to hear that.

Since you were so quick…
Do you also have an idea on how to create this:


A collapsible group of entities. Just to keep the dashboard more compact as long as the entities below group level aren’t needed

Try the custom:fold-entity-row.

If you have trouble, share the yaml of a card looking like what you want to see when collapsed and another one for when expanded and o can try to play eith when I get back home.

Hi. Is there a way to display the cover group un collapsed? If I add it to an entity card it show just the name and the icon of the group. It shows the slider and the single covers just after clicking. I would like to show it always expanded…