Hi, new to all this and trying to learn. I have a helper set which I want to toggle whether I am at home or out. I will trigger it via a number of methods, but am just trying a few proof of concepts to get an understanding on how to use it properly. But I am getting the following error:
I just created a simple automation that when I leave my home zone, to toggle my helper off.
I got this error: Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘zone’]
I used the visual editor to do this: Trigger: iphone leaves a zone
Condition: Zone Condition:
Entity with location: person: [myname]
Zone: Zone: Home
Actions: Service Call
Call A Service: Input Boolean: Turn Off
Target: Helper [My Name]
You are missing the zone variable in your trigger.
However, even with that added, this automation will never execute it’s actions because it requires that you both leave a zone and be in that zone… an impossibility. Remove the condition, and add the zone variable to the trigger as follows:
While an input boolean may be necessary in some cases, there are much more functional methods. So, before you get too far down this path, make sure to read the Person entity docs and Getting Started with Presence Detection. By assigning one or more device trackers to your person entity you will be able to just reference the person in you automations instead of having to create additional helpers.