Toggling lights in multi-level house


This is my first contribution to Home Assistant. I wrote the following script to automate toggling lights in a multi-level house. The intent of the script is following:

  • When I move my ass from eg. upstairs to downstairs, I want to switch all lights in upstairs off and switch certain default lights in downstairs on, and vice versa
  • This is matter of opinion, but I personally don’t like keeping hard-coded device id lists in scripts
  • As there is no built-in support for house levels in Home Assistant, there should be some means for defining the house level where devices are located
  • AFAIK you cannot add custom data to devices, but “default lights” should be marked somehow

The intent above can be achieved by eg. prefixing device id’s with floor name and eg. by adding “default” suffix to device id’s, for example: light.upstairs_some_light_default. Some other notation should work as well. The following script can then be used to toggle lights:

alias: Toggle Lights
mode: restart
  where: upstairs
  to_state: "off"
  light_filter: >-
    {{ 'light\.' + where + '.*' if to_state == 'off' else 'light\.' + where +
    '.*default' }}
  dimmer_filter: >-
    {{ 'number\.' + where + '.*' if to_state == 'off' else 'number\.' + where +
    '.*default' }}
  from_state: "{{ 'on' if to_state == 'off' else 'off' }}"
  dimmer_operand: "{{ 'eq' if to_state == 'on' else 'ne' }}"
  dimmer_state: "{{ 0 if to_state == 'off' else 100 }}"
  service_to_call: "{{ 'light.turn_on' if to_state == 'on' else 'light.turn_off' }}"
  light_entities: |-
    {{ states | selectattr('entity_id', 'match', light_filter) |
     selectattr('state', 'eq', from_state) | map(attribute='entity_id') |
    join(',') }}
  dimmer_entities: >-
    {{ states | selectattr('entity_id', 'match', dimmer_filter) |
    selectattr('state', dimmer_operand, "0") | map(attribute='entity_id') |
    join(',') }}
  - service: logbook.log
      name: Script
      message: >-
        Service: {{ service_to_call }} From {{ from_state }} to {{ to_state }}
        where {{ light_filter }} and {{ dimmer_filter }}
  - service: logbook.log
      name: Script
      message: "Lights: {{ light_entities }} Dimmers: {{ dimmer_entities }}"
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ light_entities != '' }}"
      - service: "{{ service_to_call }}"
          entity_id: "{{ light_entities }}"
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ dimmer_entities != '' }}"
      - service: number.set_value
          entity_id: "{{ dimmer_entities }}"
          value: "{{ dimmer_state }}"

The script can then be called easily, eg.

alias: Move to Upstairs
  - service: script.toggle_lights
      where: "upstairs"
      to_state: "on"
  - service: script.toggle_lights
      where: "downstairs"
      to_state: "off"
mode: restart

Seems to work as I intended. All feedback is appreciated.