Toilet night route

i wonder how people would solve this one?

mominlaw live with us and can use a smartphone (barely) so i created a widget that turns on the lights on the route to the wc…

i used to have an automotion for the vacum robot that turned on all lights so it could see… it captured what lights was on so that it did not turn off any that was on allready…

i would like to reuse that and just create a dummy light she could turn on and then the automation looks for that and turn lights on and off

does that sound like a plan?

A possible solution - use a small lamp remotely controlled which may be programmed like “turn on when illumination is less than … & movement occurs”.
Never used it myself - but some people do.

problem is that we also have a dog, it can roam free inside so it will trigger it

but i will keep it in mind…