Took something like 10 minutes to generate.
Have about 40 lights, 15+ light sitches, some motion sensors, door sensors etc. Almost all Aqara. Running on dedicated NUC with Sonoff ZBDongle-P ZigBee Dongle Plus CC2652P
Generally things are falling out of network over time. Have to resynch them, reconfigure. I moved Wifi to channels 1 and 6, zigbee to 25. Maybe that will improve reliability but up till now i’m not impressed.
Is there something wrong i’m doing in terms of zigbee network ? Seems like a load of repeaters, might be a trafic overload ? Or do they ignore duplicate messages ? Maybe i should reconfigure it somehow? Thanks for all ideas.
Not sure if you have too many router devices, I have 38 in total, consisting of Hue bulbs and Aqara plugs plus some Frient stuff. Besides this I have 40+ end-devices. in a stable zigbee network.
I use Zigbee channel 13 and have Wifi on channel 13 and 8.
You have a lot of Aqara switches, looking as they are routers. Are they working well?
You coordinator, is this placed on a long USB extender cable and far from all USB3 and Wifi devices?
Nope, all you are seeing is the mesh connections between devices - that’s the advantage of Zigbee. I discovered quite by accident another advantage - which I have recently used after seeing it in a YouTube video…
When a battery device drops off your network - put it in to inclusion mode again - but this time instead of hitting the include (ALL) button, click on the dropdown - and find a router near to the device then select that - this will put ONLY that router in to include mode - and the battery powered device will connect to that. Since I have done that with a battery powered Aqara sensor - it’s been pretty stable for me.
It hard to see the end devices on your map, are they connected to the coordinator? Most of mine are connected to routers?
A far shot, your coordinator, have you changed the strength of it, like to -20db? Read some other thread about end devices dropping off, as they could not answer the coordinator, as they did not have the power to do so. However they could hear the coordinator, as it was sending on full power.
you mention you use zigbee channel 25, where did you have it previously? Most people are on channel 11 when using Z2M. The aqara devices are known for not roaming between routers at all, maybe they also do not work well on high zigbee channels?
Remember to pair the aqara devices in the final physical spot, as they otherwise end not using the right router. If they are moved (or routers are moved), you need to delete them and re-pair to have them on new routers. They are a little strange, however mine are stable.
I’m dumbfounded that is still the z2m default. It’s a horrible value.
The 40+ Aqara devices I have(door, motion, vibration, temp, & mini-switch button) work fine on 25. No drop offs at all in the eight months since I switched the coordinator from a HUSBZB-1 to a Sonoff Dongle Plus.
The Aqara “no roaming” reputation seems somewhat overstated as well. The only Aqara devices I have that won’t find another router at all seem to be the older door sensor(MCCGQ11LM) and mini-switch button, but YMMV. Supposedly there are some routers they don’t like.