Topic_prefix not working fine with ESPHome

Hi, I am kind of out of ideas on why topic_prefix isnt working well for me. I have specified a topic_prefix but I end up seeing messages both on the topic_prefix as well as the default topic , so I end up two set of sensors / switch etc.
Can somebody point out what’s the issue here?

Env: Hassio / ESPHome add on Ver 1.14.5

My ESPHome yaml file:

  # below substitutions are required as they are used in include files
  device_id: 'security_siren'
  device_name: 'Security Siren'
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp12e
  ssid: !secret secondary_ssid
  ssid_pswd: !secret secondary_ssid_pswd
  mqtt_broker: !secret mqtt_broker
  mqtt_uname: !secret mqtt_uname
  mqtt_pswd: !secret mqtt_pswd
  base_topic: 'home/security/siren'
  api_pswd: !secret api_pswd
  ota_pswd: !secret ota_pswd
  # required substitutions end

  siren_gpio: GPIO12
  led_gpio: GPIO14
  <<: !include common/esphome.yaml

# Enable logging

# include the ota & other settings from common file
<<: !include common/common.yaml # cant use common file as I have to define my api below

  <<: !include common/wifi.yaml 

  <<: !include common/api.yaml 

#  <<: !include common/mqtt.yaml 
  broker: $mqtt_broker
  username: $mqtt_uname
  password: $mqtt_pswd
  topic_prefix: $base_topic
  reboot_timeout: 10min

# Individual outputs
  - platform: gpio
    name: "Siren"
    id: "siren"
    icon: mdi:bullhorn
      number: $siren_gpio
      mode: OUTPUT
      inverted: False

    number: $led_gpio
    inverted: yes

  - <<: !include common/text_sensor/wifiinfo.yaml
  - <<: !include common/text_sensor/mac.yaml
  - <<: !include common/text_sensor/version.yaml

example of one of the included text sensor : wifiinfo.yaml

platform: wifi_info
  name: ${device_name} IP Address
  icon: mdi:ip-network

An image of my MQTT is included, as you can see i have topics created both under the default “homeassistant/” and under what I specific “home/security/siren”. I have deleted the topics multiple times and they keep coming back.

I got the reason for the topics being created under homeassistant* , that’s because discovery is true by default. I set it to false and it went away.
I then wonder if its possible to have custom topics as well as discovery ON without having 2 places where your messages are posted. Maybe not. And that makes sense as the MQTT integration in HA does not have any means to know which base topic to scan for automatic integration of devices.