Tor installation on hassbian, sweet

I just installed Tor on my home assistant hassbian installation. Some of the instructions were a little confusing, especially “For Tor Browser on Windows, Mac or Linux, you can find the torrc file here: /Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/torrc”, whatever “<tor browser install” and “directory>/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/torrc” means…:slight_smile’
But after wasting a bunch of time with certificates, duckdns and nginx, I found Tor to be a superior choice. All up and working within an hour!

I will second this. Very easy to set up, and feels much safer than opening up a port to the outside. I also liked being able to learn some new things in the process.

Please take the time to update the instructions to help others. Here are some instructions on how to do it

When I re-read the instructions, they made sense, after I understood the syntax in which they were presented.