Toshiba home AC control

Hi ‘h4de5 Andi’,
Thank you for your answer. here, there is no question of the temperature returned by the outdoor group. I use a dedicated temperature sensor, better positioned than my outdoor unit. Here, my problem being not to succeed in recovering the calculated value because the component only accepts a numerical value and not a reference to a sensor.

I want to add toshiba ac to home assistant. but unable to find Could you please advise me?

please follow the installation steps on the github page: GitHub - h4de5/home-assistant-toshiba_ac: Toshiba AC integration into

It’s kind of mind boggling to me that Toshiba air conditioners in North America are just completely unsupported when it comes to any sort of home automation or home assistant support (other than via the Toshiba AC NA app).

Neither the Toshiba or Midea integrations work for controlling the Toshiba devices if you live in America. Crazy!

First off, Nice work!
Then, any update to this?
It would be really helpful to have it as a separate value.


  1. you can make an automation estimate if the fan is working to slow if you compare the indoor unit temperature vs other room sensor (high diff eq slow fan…)

  2. you can also make calculations on the efficiency on the AC with the delta temperature between indoor and outdoor. and then also map it against power consumption.

you can create a new sensor using the template helper out of any attribute like this:

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With last release 2023.12.0 is not working any more .

This is clearly not a Feature Request against a core function, but rather a third party support thread.
Thread will be moved to third partr for future reference.

It would be nice to integrate the Comfort Sleep function. It can be done?

I also came here looking for this entity (AC_xxx_IndoorTemperature)


Could be me but I think the toshiba ac servers are down since last night.
Official app does not work anymore

:scream: expired certificate!!

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can we create a temp fix by using the azure adress that has a valid certificate ?

Update: rewrite using add guard does not work :frowning:
Wait for certificate update.

Update 2:

Greetings, newbie here!
I got an SMMS central unit and a BMS-IWF0320E interface to control it and its outputs.
Unfortunately the mobile app is terrible and would be great to be able to control everything with HA.
Is that possible?
Tried installing the integration via HACS and i cant get pass the Username/Password.

Hey all
Many thanks for the integration. Just yesterday, I had 3 Toshiba Devices installed and tried this integration. It did work so far but I don’t see a lot of information or even a climate entity for any of the devices, the all look like the following screenshot:

Is this the current state of the integration? So I cannot control temperatures, on/off, modes or anything else with the integration or is something not working right?

I am asking myself exactly the same. I get some information about the AC, but there is no way to control anything temperature setpoints, and there is no climate entity created. It this supposed to be what the integration does or did I mess up something?

I restarted HomeAssistant and now climate entities are available. They are not very responsive, often the status takes up to 3 minutes to update but at least they work.

Ok, after reboot I can see the climate entities, Incan change the temperature, but I cannot change fan modes, power modes, turn the AC off, … The buttons are there, but they don’t send updates to the AC, they just revert bacl to their previous value.

Is this a known problem?

does someone also have the problem with latest Home Assistant (2024.6.2) version and the Toshiba integration?
all my 3 airco’s are unavailable and can not be controller anymore

checkout the latest version on HACs. it should now automatically reconnect in case of communication errors.